Did you know you can access the Social Security Administration with your ID.me account? Learn more about how ID.me can help you access your SSA benefits.

Discounts for members

Get the Discounts You Deserve

With your ID.me Wallet, you can verify your Community status once, then get exclusive discounts from hundreds of stores without verifying again. Let our partners show their appreciation for all that you do.

Get the discounts you deserve

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How It Works

Find your favorite store

Find your favorite store

ID.me has negotiated with 600+ popular stores to get discounts for your Community. Find your favorite on ID.me Shop.

Choose a Community offer

Choose a Community offer

Look for your Community label – like Nurse or Military – to find Community offers you qualify for. Then simply click on the offer.

Verify that you are a member of your Community once

Verify (Once!)

The first time you use ID.me, you must verify that you’re a member of your Community. You never have to do it again!* Next time, just sign in to ID.me.

*Some Community statuses may expire over time. If your Community status expires, you will be asked to re-verify.

Get your discount

Get your discount

Clicking on an offer in ID.me Shop will take you to the store’s website. Click the green “Verify with ID.me” button when you see it, which may be right away or at checkout. Each store has its own way of using ID.me.

  1. Promo Code – If you see an exclusive promo code when you click the green “Verify with ID.me” button, save that code and put it in the coupon code section at checkout. That’s it!
  2. Automatic – At some stores, your discount will be automatically applied as soon as you verify with ID.me.

Don’t miss the discounts you deserve!

Get notified about new offers for your Community by subscribing to our emails. We’ll make sure you get all the savings you’ve earned.

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