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Alumni Verification

Verify college alumni to provide exclusive online discounts

Deliver exclusive deals to college alumni with alumni verification.

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Why Offer An Alumni Discount

Today, there are an estimated 108 million college graduates in the United States. The typical college grad with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn about 66% more than the typical high school graduate, according to the CollegeBoard. With more discretionary spending, alumni represent a sizable affinity group that is extremely valuable to retailers and brands.

108 million
college graduates in the United States.
The typical college grad with a bachelor’s degree earns about 66% more than the typical high school graduate.

Who We Verify

ID.me can verify alumni from specific colleges and universities important to your brand.

College and University Alumni

Build loyalty with alumni with degrees from four-year colleges and universities.

Community College Alumni

Acquire new customers among alumni who graduate from American two-year colleges.

Why companies verify alumni status with ID.me

Frictionless Customer Experience

First-time verification is quick. Returning alumni verification is even faster. Alumni are re-verified in 2 clicks without having to re-enter the same data.

Alumni Customer Acquisition

Take advantage of the ID.me member network to acquire new customers in the college alumni segment. ID.me will help you connect with alumni on social media and via email.

Superior Fraud Protection

Protect your exclusive alumni discounts from abuse by ineligible customers and unauthorized resellers. ID.me’s technology detects fraudulent verification attempts and abuse.